he Xbox community was abuzz earlier this year when the team at Capy
Games announced that they’d be bringing Super Time Force to the public.
Not only bringing it digitally to the Xbox 360, but to the Xbox One as
well, doing so through the ID@Xbox indy-publisher program.
Here they’ve lived up to their hype, bringing a game that’s every bit
as entertaining as the trailers and gameplay segments released earlier
this year led us to believe it would be.
The game Super Time Force is made of pixels. Pixels arranged in a way
that will make you forget about the world of 1080p/60fps. Instead of
pushing the envelope with realism, the crew at Capy have relaxed back
into a visual environment in which they’re able to deliver an ideal
You get the impression in Super Time Force that the entire screen has
been accounted for. This game is a glorious whirlwind of pixels jacked
up in a way that makes us want to never stop playing.
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